"Waking UP In The Dream"
Online Digital Course
Now You Can Access This Truly Transformational
Course Experience In The Comfort Of Your Own
Home, At Your Own Pace!
The Online course includes the "Waking UP In The Dream"
book, 4 hours of online course trainings, and a powerful and indispensable "Daily Tracking Sheet" to easily monitor
every aspect of your daily progress. Get ready to completely
Shift the way you "see" and manifest your entire reality.
Testimonial: “This is one of the most brilliant and effective courses and accelerated processes I have ever come across in my lifetime which truly gives the “keys” for real true self empowerment. On the very first day I was identifying and dismantling old limiting programs and beliefs that had kept me stuck in repeating patterns for decades. I finally understand how to manifest my desires without struggling. These life changing tools should be taught to all children at the earliest age. Thank you Jeff. ~ Robert J.

There is absolutely NOTHING that is keeping one from having or manifesting ANYTHING into
their life and reality that they truly desire other than a limiting beLIEf or an underlying wound of unworthiness or struggle.
Get to the “root” of this and everything PERMANENTLY shifts in ones life and relationships.
This truly transformational course shows you how in the shortest amount of time.
The course comes with the "Waking UP In The Dream" book pdf, which is an easy to follow step by step transformative system, along with 4 hours of powerful powerpoint presentations and a priceless “Daily Tracking Sheet” which shows you exactly how to identify and transform decades of recycled “programs” that have been working against you in rapid time, no matter what the past issue or traumatic event may have been.
It works for everyone 100% of the time.
All one has to do is have the desire to create positive change and follow
the daily steps that are clearly laid out in the book and trainings.
This will truly change the way you “see” and manifest everything
moving forward.
One of the best lifetime investments you will ever make. 
The Digital Course is $333.00 USD
*Today through Sunday
Just $197.00 USD
“This course drastically changed my life more than any other course I have ever taken in over 20 years. It completely shifted the way I observe and process things in every area of my life. I had no idea how many automatic reactionary “programs” and judgments I was running underneath the surface, and how my self talk was keeping me from creating my reality from a truly unlimited state of mind. This was truly life changing in every way! I used to think I was an “Aware” person, but this course literally blew my mind. The way Jeff guides you through dismantling the belief system and childhood conditioning alone is priceless.” Thank you Jeff from the bottom of my Heart! ~ Natalie
“After just 1 short week of journeying using these tools”, I am seeing, identifying, and already dismantling self defeating programs that have been tripping me up and wreaking havoc on me my entire life. I am so excited for what I am now creating with this newfound awareness and lightness of being”. ~ Michael
“Going through this course was a huge wake up call for me. I am now seeing and dismantling patterns and wounds that I have been running my entire life, which in the past my Ego would get triggered and defend every time. I now have the tools to shift them. The results I am seeing in just 2 short weeks are amazing. Truly life changing. Thank you Jeff!” ~ Amy
“One of the single most important and effective step by step road maps for inner healing and stepping OUT of the programming traps of the lower vibrational 3rd Dimension ever created. This should be required curriculum in all schools beginning at a very early age.” ~ Michael J. Reseacher & Quantum Arranger “
“After just 4 1/2 days into the first week, I can say one thing is for sure, this is a truly life changing process. I’m beginning to see just how “programmed” I am as an individual, as well as how programmed we are as a collective. This course is immeasurably beneficial for myself, and those around me. Thank you Jeff Cloud! So many “aha” moments this week already! This process should be required for everyone.” ~ Monica