A Door Is About To Open For You!

Powerful subconscious repatterning for
lasting and permanent change. ⚡️

Get Ready for a Truly Life Changing Transformation in Every Area of Your Life without any "hard work" or struggle. I will quickly show you how to move beyond the limiting programs of the mind.

"Working with Jeff was literally a life-changing experience for me. I worked with many mentors and attended even more courses during my healing journey and never experienced such profound shift like I did with Jeff. The change was noticeable from day one. Many insights and aha moments helped me to understand why I behave the way I did. I used to struggle with worries, overwhelm, and losing faith in myself. I had a lot of drama and judgment in my life. As a result of Jeff's remarkable work I am a different person. I understand why I could not manifest things in my life, and why I was engaging in drama, and how to heal my childhood ones.

If you desire change in your life, and want to heal your childhood wounds and live your life to the fullest,
I would highly recommend contacting Jeff and letting him guide you through this life changing process.
Thank you Jeff for your beautiful gift to the world.” ~ Ilona Berkoben, MD, FNP

“I thought I was already Awake but wow!…… working with Jeff changed everything for me and I mean everything.
He gave me the tools and gently guided me to see, dismantle, and heal programs and beliefs that were
running underneath the surface for most of my life that I was not even aware of.
This journey raised my inner confidence and changed my life in so many incredible ways,
and I probably wouldn’t have believed it without experiencing it for myself.

Thank you Jeff from the bottom of my Heart! ~ Natalie

“This course drastically changed my life more than any other course I have ever taken in over 20 years. It completely shifted the way I observe and process things in every area of my life. I had no idea how many automatic reactionary “programs” I was running, and how my self talk was keeping me from creating my reality from a truly unlimited state of mind.  This was truly life changing in every way! I used to think I was an “Aware” person, but this course literally blew my mind. The way Jeff guides you through dismantling the belief system and childhood conditioning alone is priceless.”

~ Janet B / Holistic Health Practitioner

"This has been such a life changing experience just within 2 days! The triggers, emotions,
and reactions I have been able to identify have already made a huge difference,
like right away! I feel better than I have ever felt already. Totally life changing."

~ Laura T / Artist & Mother

“Jeff’s book is one of the single most important and effective step by step road maps
for inner healing and stepping out of the programming traps of the
lower vibrational 3rd Dimension ever written. This should be required
curriculum in all schools beginning at a very early age.”

~ Michael J. / Physicist & Quantum Arranger

Jeff Cloud

Author / Mentor / Healing, & Self Empowerment Guide.

Jeff good 2022 profile

Delivering rapid transformation
in the absolute shortest amount of time with permanent subconscious repatterning. ⚡️

Jeff's Mission & Passion is to assist others in breaking free of the limiting beliefs, childhood conditioning, and inner conflicts that are keeping them from experiencing true Freedom in all areas of life & relationships.

His background in healing trauma and his decades of experience assisting people around the globe to create and manifest HUGE shifts and breakthroughs enables him to get lasting results in the shortest amount of time.

Waking UP In The Dream

Raising Your Conscious Awareness
To Create A Dream Life

A Step by Step Guide Into True Healing & Awakening
By Jeff Cloud

This is a truly groundbreaking road map guide for “exiting the 3D matrix” and Soul Empowerment on ones Awakening Journey. You will be clearly guided into self healing and the removal of all limiting and "automatic" reactive programming that used to cause cycle after cycle of repeating dramas in life and relationships. Quite possibly the most freeing information you may ever read and experience. You will understand how this hologram we call life operates, and begin to act and create your reality as the multi-dimensional Being that you truly are!

“This book changed everything for me, and I mean everything! It gave me the tools to see programs and beliefs that were running underneath the surface that I was not even aware of, and my ego would defend and justify them again and again, causing the same dramas to repeat. I was able to heal deeply hidden wounds from childhood, and dismantle so many limiting beliefs and subtle reactionary patterns that were running on automatic. I am eternally grateful for coming across this information. It truly changed my life and relationships in ways that I couldn’t see until I read it. So many “aha” moments! Thank you Jeff”
– Laura L, Yoga Instructor / Mother

“An outstanding contribution to the growth and evolution of humankind. Packed to the brim with life changing tools and strategies for awakening the highest version of yourself.”
– Matthew Patti, Creator/Founder of Soul Business Academy, Australia

“Having spent time connecting with you and also reading your transformational book, “Waking UP In The Dream” I can personally attest to the powerful, inspiring, and practical application of your insights and deeply expansive wisdom. Anyone who works with you in your “Mastery Of Awareness” course will be magnificently transformed in ways they couldn’t have imagined before. “
– Peter Clark Nelson, Sales & Marketing Adviser, Author,  Breakthrough Strategist, Unity Consciousness Activist

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